Our Family
Welcome to House of Hope in Cranbrook, BC, Canada. We are an Apostolic Resource Center in which family is the central motivation , our heart is to serve our city and see a cultural transformation take place. We believe revival is not a one-time event but something that happens daily in the lives of God’s children.
Our number one goal is to host God’s presence wherever we go. To allow Him to use us in every area of society. We are passionate lovers of Him. Worship is a core value that propels us into His presence and allows His presence to come freely. We have been mandated to build a place where He is welcome to have His way.
Our first ministry is to God so we worship with extravagant joy and gratitude. Our personal relationship with Him is our number one priority. As part of our worship, we incorporate all areas of creativity in our worship, from dance to art to banners.
We are a house that believes salvation frees us from the power of the devil, from sin, lies, sickness and torment. Salvation is not just a ticket to heaven. Salvation is being saved, healed and delivered from the power of the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy.
- Every believer is a supernatural minister of the gospel of power whom signs & wonders should follow.
- All ministry flows from the prayer, “Thy kingdom come… on earth as it is in heaven.”
- We equip and send the church to carry on the works of Jesus.
We equip and send the church to carry on the works of Jesus.
We demonstrate God’s grace, His unconditional love and transforming power to everyone. We impact and bring mercy and justice to every socioeconomic group and cultural realm because we pastor a city, not just a church.
Baptisms | 2024
Christ is returning for a glorious overcoming bride: His Church.
- We are more than “sinners saved by grace.” We are saints, sons and daughters of the King.
- Because of this, we expect to successfully fulfill the Great Commission, passing on revival from one generation to the next.
- We believe we are here to extend the Kingdom Jesus modelled to us in the Gospels
- We embrace the biblical government of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
If you are looking for a new place to call home or are simply needing a time of refreshment, you are welcome to join us Sunday mornings. Or if you wish to connect with us, click on the link provided and contact us directly.
Our History
The roots of House of Hope started as a home group in the fall of 2009. We were a group of people who for one reason or another, had found themselves without a church family. Most of us had been friends for years so we found ourselves being drawn together to pursue Gods presence, worship and explore what family looked like in a church setting.
In January 2010, we felt the Lord say it was time to make a move to something more organized. In a sense, the Cloud was moving us out of where we were camping and into something new. In May 2010, we formed a gathering called House of Hope. We hosted our first public gathering in June 2010. There were 53 people in attendance and we really didn’t know what to do or how to do it.
All we knew was we wanted His presence and a family. So we met corporately once a month for three months until September when we decided it was time to meet weekly.
For the first four months, we met in a little hall, all the while growing both numerically and in our hunger for His presence. In January 2011, we moved to a larger location and rented space on a weekly basis.
In August 2013, we moved again into the location we are now in. Over the span of the past 11 years, we have grown into a family of believing believers who love His presence, love to worship and love family. Our heart is to serve each other and our city by allowing heaven to come to earth through us.
“Since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” -2 Corinthians 8:7
We Believe

Statement of Faith
There is only one true God who is the eternal King, Creator and Redeemer of all that is. He is perfectly holy, just, loving and truthful. He has revealed Himself to be eternally self- existent – one being in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
Humankind was created in the image of God to know and enjoy Him, yet we willfully rejected the Lordship and glory of God for which we were intended. Because of this, sickness, death and judgment entered the world and now creation experiences the effects and consequences of sin.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and is God’s Anointed One, empowered by the Holy Spirit to inaugurate God’s Kingdom on earth. He was crucified for our sins, died, was buried, resurrected and ascended into heaven, and is now alive today, in the presence of God the Father and in His people. He is “true God” and “true man.”
We are saved by God’s grace, through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Anyone can be restored to fellowship with God through repenting, believing and receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit, convicts, regenerates, justifies, and adopts us as we enter the Kingdom of God as His sons and daughters.
The Christian is enabled to live a holy life and minister supernaturally through the indwelling and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:4-8 and 2:4 is poured out on believers that they might have power to be witnesses.
The victorious redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy, namely from sin, lies, sickness and torment.
The Church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. He gave His church the ordinances of Baptism and Communion. The Church exists to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and further advance His kingdom by undoing the works of the enemy, preaching and living the good news of God’s love, disciple the nations, baptizing and teaching them to love and obey God.
Heaven on earth involves the ever-increasing government of God and culminates in the Blessed Hope, the glorious visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ for His overcoming bride, His church.
Our Mission is revival: The personal, regional, and global expansion of God’s Kingdom through His manifest presence.
1. Our first ministry is to God, so we worship with extravagant joy and gratitude.
– Our personal relationship with Him is our number one priority.
2. Salvation frees us from the power of the devil – sin, lies, sickness & torment.
3. Every believer is a supernatural minister of the gospel of power whom signs & wonders should follow.
– All ministry flows from the prayer, “Thy kingdom come… on earth as it is in heaven.”
– We equip and send the church to carry on the works of Jesus.
4. We demonstrate God’s grace, His unconditional love & transforming power, to everyone.
– We impact every socioeconomic group & cultural realm that mercy & justice would reign because we pastor a city, not just a church.
5. Christ is returning for a glorious overcoming bride: His Church.
– We are more than “sinners saved by grace”, we are saints – sons & daughters of the King.
– So we expect to successfully fulfill the Great Commission – passing on revival from one generation to the next – even if the world grows darker in the last days.
– We embrace the biblical government of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
Bringing God's Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
We Believe
1. We owe the world an encounter with God; therefore we are relentless in the pursuit of His presence and power both inside and outside the church walls (Acts 16:25-34).
2. What we believe after we pray is just as important as what we believe while we pray (Mark 11:24; John 5:14,15).
3. We see problems as opportunities to see how big our God is (James 1:2-5; Romans 5:3-5).
4. Prayer and worship times (both private and corporate) are foundational to our calling as individuals and as a church (Mark 11:17; John 4:23, 24).
5. Celebrating joyously in God’s promises and in His goodness (which includes laughing at the lies of the devil) is a secret to our strength (Nehemiah 8:10; Psalms 2:2-4).
6. Training people for ministry, life skills, and leadership is central to our fulfilling the great commission (Ephesians 4:11,12; 2 Timothy 2:2).
7. The first step in spiritual warfare is taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Warfare is not beating up on the devil; Jesus already did this. Therefore we proactively capture thoughts that do not glisten with faith, hope, and love (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
8. Personal hope (the confident and optimistic expectation of seeing God’s goodness) is to be a major pursuit of our lives. We believe there is hope for every person and every situation we encounter (Romans 5:3,4; 1 Corinthians 10:13).
9. The power of life and death is in the words that we speak over ourselves, others, and every aspect of our lives (Proverbs 18:21).
10. We motivate people through vision, a revelation of God, and the power of God rather than by guilt, law, or condemnation (Proverbs 29:18; Acts 16:30).
11. Honour brings life; therefore we cultivate high levels of respect in all relationships and speak with respect, even if we are in disagreement (Ephesians 6:2,3).
12. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy; therefore we place a high value on declaring the great things God has done (Revelation 19:10).
13. Generosity and gratefulness are two gateways for us to experience the promises of God in our lives and in our church (Acts 10:2,3; Psalms 100:4).
14. We pursue relationship with spiritual fathers and mothers and desire for them to speak into our lives (Acts 16:13-15).
15. We understand that to walk in wisdom, we must have a plan for our personal and ministry growth (1 Timothy 4:14-16).
16. As new covenant believers, we repent primarily to God’s promises and our prophetic destiny rather than just from our sins and weaknesses. We are more for good than we are for evil (2 Corinthians 3:7-18).
17. We create a culture where failure is a learning experience, not an identity, as we seek to walk in higher levels in Christ (Philippians 3:12-14).
18. We are called to empower and support other churches/ministries and their leaders (Colossians 4:12-13).
19. We believe that those we are ministering to want to serve God and that they will rise to our belief in them (1 Corinthians 13:7).
20. Healthy ministry to the church and world must result from a greater emphasis on being healthy in our immediate family relationships – especially our marriages (1 Timothy 3:2,4-5).
21. Integrity, being an example of Christian living, and having a good reputation are foundational for effective ministry and leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-5).
22. God has delegated His authority to us to enforce Christ’a victory over demons, sickness, and lack. Therefore, like Jesus and the apostles, we speak to mountains, situations, sicknesses and disease (Mark 11:22-24; James 4:7).
23. All that we do must have a “1 Corinthians 13 love” as its foundation or else it is worthless (1 Corinthians 3:1-5; and Chapter 13).
24. The quality of our lives is based on the quality of our commitments. We make covenant commitments to God, to family, to a local church, and to a core group of people in our lives (Epeshians 4:1-6,9).
25. Servanthood is essential to greatness in God’s kingdom. Therefore, we strive to cultivate and demonstrate a true servant’s heart in the church and in the world (Matthew 20:24-28).
26. Because God’s Kingdom is proactive, we don’t wait for things to happen, but seek out opportunities for light to shine in darkness – being empowered by God’s love, sensitivity, and wisdom (Matthew 10:5-8).
As we receive today’s offering we are believing the Lord for:
Jobs and better jobs
Raises and bonuses
Benefits, sales and commissions
Favorable settlements
Estates and inheritances
Interests and income
Rebates and returns
Checks in the mail
Gifts and surprises
Finding money
Debts paid off
Expenses decrease
Blessing and increase
Thank You, Lord, for meeting all of my financial needs that I may have more than enough to give into the Kingdom of God and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As we receive today’s offering, we are believing You for:
Heaven opened, Earth Invaded
Storehouses unlocked, and Miracles created;
Dreams and Visions, Angelic Visitations
Declarations, Visitations, and Divine Manifestations,
Anointing, Gifting, and Calls,
Positions, and promotions,
Provisions and Resources,
to go to the nations;
Souls and more souls,
from every generations,
Saved and set free,
Carrying Kingdom revelation!
Thank You, Father, that as I join my value system to Yours, You will shower FAVOR, BLESSINGS and INCREASE upon me so I have more than enough to co-labor with Heaven and see JESUS get His FULL REWARD.
As we pray for new wells of revival, we pray for new economic wells in Cranbrook to be created. So Lord we ask you for:
Favor for our city with CEO’s, Government leaders & Kings.
Manufacturing firms that produce goods for the nations and provide new jobs for our people.
Technology to establish new markets, energy sources,
and efficient solutions to grow as a population.
Laws & Courts that measure with the justice and the freedom of our land’s Constitution.
Civil servants that encourage entrepreneurs.
Media known for wisdom & truth.
Natural resources released, harvested, sold & reproduced.
Education, books, and Universities that develop mind molders who influence the influential.
Capital to build small businesses that provide services, arts and culture attracting both young and old.
Medical community known for integrity and excellence.
Repentance from poverty, small thinking, and envy.
Courage to recognize opportunities and make wealth.
Abundance to bless the world and the Prudence to save and invest.
Revelation to pass on wealth to our children’s children…
So we declare that when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices!
“I am powerful, and what I believe changes the world! So today I declare:
God is in a good mood.
He loves me all the time.
Nothing can separate me from His love.
Jesus’ blood paid for everything.
I will tell nations of what He has done.
I am important.
How He made me is amazing.
I was designed for worship.
My mouth establishes praise to silence the enemy.
Everywhere I go becomes a perfect health zone.
And…with God
Nothing is impossible!”
As a family we declare we will listen with ears of mercy and grace, not Judgment.
We declare that Love, above all, conquers,
and we will go forth in Love in all our dealings!
We will experience kingdom freedom and deeper encounters with greater breakthrough and release.
We declare all broken family relationships be restored, marriages strengthened, healed and restored with children
coming into the Kingdom.
We will be debt free both corporately and as individuals in this house.
We declare that all financial decisions will flow in abundance and prosperity allowing us to be released into our destiny.
We declare House of Hope will go beyond the boundaries and borders of man and the Glory of the Lord will be released to see His kingdom come to Earth.
We declare favor with city officials, governments, schools, and the medical community, with open doors to speak life and hope over our city and region.
We declare growth both numerically and in the Glory and Grace of God, more of His Presence in our corporate times together and in our own private times and places with God.
We will be agents of change to this city in all areas of society.
We declare that 2011 is a year of breakthrough!
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on us,
We are annointed to release Good News,
To Heal the broken hearted, To comfort all who mourn.
As we move forward in the transformation of Cranbrook
We will steward all You have given us.
Standing firm in the midst of change.
We declare we will be Releasers of hope, and Agents of change.
Releasing the oil of Joy where there is mourning.
A lifestyle of praise instead of a spirit of depression.
Releasing praise as a key to our provision in You.
We are a happy people, We are a happy family,
and we will release joy wherever we go.
We will be led by Your heart for us and Your heart for this city.
As Your presence goes before us we will release Heaven to Earth. Wherever we go, we will heal the sick, proclaim freedom to captives, freedom to prisoners, proclaiming the favourable year of the LORD.
We declare that nothing is impossible to You.
Looking not at our circumstances, we will see strongholds torn down as Your blood covers this city.
Healing and restoration for families.
Breakthrough, Courage, and Power.
Releasers of Mercy as ambassadors of Your kingdom.
We declare 2012, a year of HOPE!
We declare:
We are a happy people who choose to be a light of hope to our city, our region, and to all we come into contact with. We are a beacon of hope in the midst of storms, a place for Your Presence to rest and a place of renewal to all who enter.
God is good no matter what the circumstance, and we will faithfully steward this truth no matter what we are going through. Through supernatural strength, we will overcome any storm that comes our way.
We are a house of healing, freedom, renewal,
refreshing, prosperity and cleansing.
We Declare:
Family is Kingdom. Where the Kingdom is, there is family. As a family, we bear each other’s burdens, laugh with each other and cry with each other. We give more than we take;
we build and do not tear down.
As a family, we empower our children to see, hear and respond to the Holy Spirit. We empower our women to rise up and take their place in the body, and we empower our men to walk in courage and integrity.
We as a family will risk and take every opportunity to see the love of Jesus permeate our city and all surrounding area. We will pursue our dreams and desires with renewed passion. Fear will have no place in our lives.
We Declare:
We view every obstacle as a place to release Kingdom opportunity.
We will see the lost through eyes of love and not of judgment.
We will prosper in all areas of our life, from family and marriage to business.
We declare 2013 to be a year of renewed hope,
revelation, and restoration